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Summer Safety | Motorcyclist Safety & How to Avoid Motorcycle Crashes

Written by Brandon W. McHugh | Jul 11, 2024 12:18:45 PM

A warm summer evening is the perfect time for a motorcycle ride. Though thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts flood Ohio’s streets once the snow melts away and the sun starts to shine, thousands of other drivers, often staring at their phones, are oblivious to their new motorcyclist neighbors. With a worrying increase in smartphone usage, riders and bikers alike will need to take extra precautions to stay safe this summer. 

According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, in 2023, there were a total of 3,878 motorcycle crashes in Ohio. 72% of these crashes happened between the months of May and September. Of the 230 fatal crashes that occurred in 2023, 167 happened from May to September.  

In this second installment of our Summer Safety Series, we will explore the causes of the surge in motorcycle accidents in the summer and how to avoid them. Understanding the reasons behind this alarming surge in motorcycle accidents and adopting safety measures can help Ohio’s riders avoid unnecessary risks while enjoying their time out on the road.   

Causes of Increased Motorcycle Crashes in the Summer 

By understanding what causes most of Ohio’s most motorcycle crashes, bikers can mitigate the risk of an accident while enjoying their summer rides. 

  • Increased Traffic Volume: Summer vacations and holidays bring more drivers onto the roads, leading to higher traffic volumes. This congestion can increase the likelihood of accidents as more vehicles compete for space. Memorial Day and Fourth of July Weekend are prone to heavy traffic. It may seem like the perfect time to enjoy a nice Summer ride but be aware that the increase in traffic increases the chance of a crash. 
  • More Motorcyclists on the Road: The pleasant Ohio weather naturally draws more motorcyclists out, increasing the overall exposure to potential hazards. 
  • Road Hazards: Summer in Ohio means road construction and maintenance activities. Additionally, debris from summer storms can create hazardous conditions for motorcyclists. 
  • Risky Behaviors: Warm weather and holiday festivities can lead to an increase in risky behaviors such as speeding, impaired riding, and riding without proper safety gear. 

Motorcyclist Safety Tips 

In addition to the above causes of motorcycle crashes, there are also many things that riders can do to generally mitigate the risk or damage of crashes. 

  1. Dress for the Slide, Not the Ride: Wear a Department of Transportation-approved helmet, gloves, protective clothing, and boots.  
  2. Stay Visible: Use your headlights during the day and wear bright or reflective clothing to increase your visibility to other motorists. Position yourself in traffic to be easily seen.  
  3. Ride Defensively: Always assume that other drivers do not see you. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles and be prepared to react to sudden changes in traffic conditions. Always have an escape route.  
  4. Avoid Riding in Bad Weather: Summer thunderstorms can create slippery road conditions. If caught in a storm, reduce your speed, and if possible, find a safe place to wait it out. 
  5. Keep Your Motorcycle in Good Condition: Regularly check your motorcycle’s tire pressure, brakes, lights, and fluid levels. A well-maintained bike is less likely to fail when you need it most. 
  6. Stay Sober: Never ride under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol. Impaired judgment and reduced reaction times significantly increase the risk of accidents. 
  7. Improve Your Skills: Consider taking a motorcycle safety course to enhance your riding skills. These courses teach advanced techniques for handling emergencies and improving overall riding proficiency. Motorcycle Ohio provides various courses for riders of all experience levels looking to hone their skills.  
  8. Plan Your Route: Choose routes that are less congested and have fewer hazards. Familiarize yourself with the roads you plan to travel and be aware of construction zones or known issues.  
  9. Know the Law: According to R.C. 4519.01, riders shall only ride on firmly attached permanent seats and only ride with facing forward with one leg on each side of the motorcycle.

By understanding the increased risks of summer riding and taking protective steps to ensure safety, motorcyclists can enjoy the thrill of the ride while minimizing the chances of accidents. Stay alert, ride smart, and keep safety at the forefront of your summer adventures.  

When You Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney 

Unfortunately, many of our cases involve motorcycle crashes. If you or a loved one are seriously injured in a motorcycle crash, we are here for you and will do our best to get you answers and accountability. Our motorcycle accident attorneys have successfully held negligent motorists responsible for the collisions they cause. If you’ve suffered due to poor motorcycle safety, contact Plakas Mannos today. 



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