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Summer Safety | Protecting Injured Cyclists & Pedestrians

Written by Kristen S. Moore | Jul 18, 2024 12:44:14 PM

Summertime in Ohio is a magical time, there are countless fairs, concerts, and outdoor events for people to enjoy. These gatherings bring people out in droves and many people choose to walk or ride their bikes to these events to soak up the weather or avoid the hassle of dealing with parking in urban areas. 

However, there is a concerning rise in the number of pedestrian and cyclist injuries and fatalities resulting from vehicular accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2022, there were 7,522 pedestrians and 1,084 cyclists killed in car crashes. Additionally, there were approximately 67,000 pedestrians and 46,195 cyclists injured by motor vehicles. The occurrence of pedestrian deaths involving cars has increased 83% since 2009. These tragedies happen more frequently between the months of June and September, highlighting the pressing need for increased awareness and safety measures. 

Proactive Steps for Road Users 

To address this alarming trend and prevent further tragedies on our roads, it is imperative for all road users to take proactive steps.  

Drivers should utilize defensive driving techniques, especially in high-traffic areas. This includes adhering to speed limits, avoiding distractions, and prioritizing the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. Motorists should be especially vigilant during the summer months when there is an increased number of cyclists and pedestrians that are sharing the roadways. Drivers should also be aware of events that are going on in busy areas where they may be driving and utilize their GPS systems to avoid high traffic areas if possible. 

Pedestrian & Cyclist Accident Prevention Tips 

There are also several steps that pedestrians and cyclists can take in order to prevent a tragedy from happening.   

How Pedestrians Can Protect Themselves 

Pedestrians should wear bright-colored clothing, especially at night, to make themselves more visible to drivers. Pedestrians should also do their best to stay on sidewalks and utilize crosswalks when they are crossing roadways. While everyone has been told this since they were a child, the importance of looking both ways before crossing the street cannot be stressed enough. Even at a low speed of 35 mph, drivers need approximately 100 feet to come to a stop. This assumes that drivers are paying attention to the road and can react to their surroundings in half a second. 

How Cyclists Can Protect Themselves 

For cyclists, wearing a helmet is the most important safety precaution that one can take to prevent a fatality. NHTSA reports that between 2010 and 2017, in 79% of cyclist fatalities involving motor vehicles, the cyclist was not wearing a helmet. Wearing a helmet can also greatly reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury in the event of a crash. Another precaution that cyclists should be aware of is ensuring that they have properly working reflectors or lights. Additionally, wearing bright colored clothing and staying on bike paths or bike lanes as much as possible can help reduce the risk of being in an accident. It is also important to remember that cyclists must obey the rules of the road as well. Too often cyclists ignore stop signs or red lights and that can increase the odds that they are involved in a motor vehicle accident. 

Here When You Need a Bike Crash Attorney 

In the unfortunate event of an accident, promptly seeking an experienced accident attorney is crucial for injured pedestrians and cyclists. Plakas Mannos has been representing personal injury plaintiffs for more than 60 years. Our bicycle accident attorneys and pedestrian accident lawyers can help you navigate the complex process of pursuing a personal injury claim. We have handled numerous bicycle accident and pedestrian accident cases, and will work tirelessly to ensure that your rights are protected and to fight so that you are adequately compensated for your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages that you may have suffered. 

From everyone here at Plakas Mannos, we hope that you have a safe and happy summer, but in the event that tragedy occurs, we are here to help. Contact our team of pedestrian injury lawyers to discuss your possible case today.



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