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Why You Should Retain Video Evidence for Your Personal Injury Case

Written by Elisabeth C. Jackson | Jun 6, 2024 2:53:12 PM

A car accident can be a scary and life-altering event, oftentimes leaving you with serious physical injuries, emotional distress, and a lot of questions about what comes next. Amidst the chaos, one crucial step often gets overlooked: calling an attorney as soon as possible. This decision can significantly impact the outcome of your case, especially when it comes to retaining essential information. The immediate aftermath of a car accident is the best time to collect and preserve physical evidence, and if your car accident happened in Ohio, this evidence could include video footage from ODOT cameras.  

What Are the Ohio Department of Transportation Cameras? 

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) maintains around 19,000 miles of roadway across the state. As a result, ODOT utilizes more than 900 traffic cameras across the state of Ohio to enhance driving safety, apprehend offenders, and help decrease crashes and fatalities.  

In the aftermath of an accident resulting in serious injuries, this car accident footage can serve as vital evidence to identify vehicle makes, models, and license details of an unidentified driver, or to tell the whole story of why a crash occurred. The footage is a record that can be requested, if and when a specific location is available. Even if police responded to the scene of a crash, video evidence of the crash itself is key, as recollections can change and witnesses may become unavailable. Importantly, these camera feeds are generally retained for only 72 hours. Therefore, time is of the essence. Having an attorney that knows to request this crucial footage immediately, and has the information and infrastructure to do so, is essential to preserve important evidence that can support your case.

What If My Car Crash Occurred Outside the View of an ODOT Camera?

In addition to the data being preserved for only a limited three-day period, there are blind spots despite ODOT continuously working to install more cameras throughout the state. Furthermore, some footage is unavailable in areas where the cameras are operated by local municipalities. The experienced personal injury attorneys and paralegals at Plakas Mannos are able to request other forms of additional evidence in municipalities where ODOT footage is unavailable.  

Where Are the ODOT Cameras Located?

Below is a map of the current available statewide camera locations that can be viewed via the OHGO website and app 

Here For You When You Need a Car Accident Attorney 

When you have been seriously injured in a car accident, calling an attorney as soon as possible is not just about securing legal representation; it’s about preserving evidence that can make or break your case. At Plakas Mannos, our attorneys and paralegals understand the urgency and are ready to act swiftly to protect your rights and build a compelling case on your behalf. Don’t wait – reach out to us immediately to ensure that your evidence is preserved and your future is safeguarded. 



About the Author

Elisabeth Jackson is an associate attorney who focuses on personal injury, wrongful deathcriminal law, and general litigation.