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Three Complications When a Birth Injury Lawyer May Be Needed

Three Complications When a Birth Injury Lawyer May Be Needed

Training in obstetrics and gynecology, I have witnessed and addressed the issues discussed in this post first-hand. In my current role as medical analyst and consultant at Plakas Mannos, I leverage this expertise to communicate with clients and meticulously review medical records. I have spent time volunteering in the Amazon Rain Forest of Peru, providing vital healthcare services to women in underserved communities. My passion for patient safety drives me to ensure that our clients receive the highest level of care and advocacy they deserve. 

What Are Some of the Significant OB/GYN / Birth Injury Medical Negligence Claims Our Team at Plakas Mannos Is Equipped to Handle? 

Medical malpractice cases are a grim reality in healthcare, often involving severe and life-changing consequences for patients and their families. One category of medical malpractice is birth injuries. In this post, we will discuss three of the many significant complications during pregnancy and delivery that can lead to medical malpractice claims. These are uterine rupture, non-reassuring fetal heart rate tracings, and placental abruption. We will explore these complications, understand why labor and delivery malpractice settlements may arise, and discuss the importance of patient advocacy and legal recourse. 

1. Uterine Rupture Claims 

Uterine rupture is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication during delivery. It occurs when the uterine wall tears, allowing the baby to move into the abdominal cavity. This complication can lead to severe bleeding and oxygen deprivation for the baby, and maternal morbidity and mortality. 

Medical malpractice may come into play if healthcare providers fail to recognize the risk factors or signs of uterine rupture, or if they do not respond appropriately. For example, if a physician does not perform a timely cesarean section when a patient suffers uterine rupture, it can lead to devastating consequences for both the mother and the baby. 

Fetal heart rate monitoring claims2. Fetal Heart Rate (FHT) Monitoring Claims 

Continuous fetal heart rate monitoring is crucial during labor to assess the baby’s wellbeing. Non-reassuring fetal heart tracings can indicate fetal distress, which requires immediate medical intervention. These tracings may show signs of a compromised oxygen supply to the baby, such as decelerations or abnormal heart rate patterns. 

In cases of medical malpractice, the healthcare team may fail to take appropriate action when a non-reassuring FHT is present, namely accelerated delivery. This negligence can lead to delays in responding to fetal distress, potentially causing long-term health issues or even death for the baby. 

3. Placental Abruption Claims 

Placental abruption is a condition where the placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall before delivery. This can result in severe bleeding, depriving the baby of oxygen and nutrients. Placental abruption is a medical emergency that requires prompt diagnosis and intervention. 

Medical malpractice claims involving placental abruption can arise when healthcare providers fail to recognize the signs and symptoms, misinterpret them, or do not take swift action. Delayed treatment can have devastating consequences for both the mother and the baby. 

How Do These Medical Negligence Claims Arise? 

Medical malpractice cases involving birth injuries occur due to various factors: 

  1. Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose: Healthcare providers may not recognize the warning signs of these complications, leading to delayed or inadequate treatment. 
  2. Inadequate monitoring: Continuous monitoring of the mother and baby’s vital signs and fetal heart tracings is essential during labor and delivery. Neglecting this can result in missed signs of distress. 
  3. Failure to act promptly: Even when healthcare providers recognize a complication, a delay in taking appropriate action can cause irreversible harm. 
  4. Lack of communication: Ineffective communication between the medical team members can lead to errors in decision-making and treatment plans. 

Victims of medical malpractice

What Should You Do If You Think You Are a Victim of Medical Malpractice? 

In cases where medical negligence is suspected, patient advocacy is crucial. Patients and their families must communicate their concerns and questions with their healthcare providers, seek second opinions when necessary, and ensure they receive adequate information about their condition and treatment options. 

When medical malpractice is suspected or confirmed, seeking legal representation is often necessary to make sure you understand and know your rights, and to obtain compensation for the injuries suffered and damages incurred. Plakas Mannos has experienced medical malpractice lawyers who can help victims and their families navigate the complex legal process and pursue justice. 

Birth injuries are heartbreaking and often preventable. They can forever change or prematurely end a life. It is essential for healthcare providers to remain vigilant and responsive to the signs of these complications to ensure the safety and well-being of both mothers and babies. Patients and their families must advocate for their rights and seek legal help when necessary to hold negligent healthcare providers accountable. Contact us today.


About the Author

Dr. Allison Kriener

Dr. Allison Kreiner, our physician consultant, works directly with our Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury teams.

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